Thursday, September 29, 2011

gLyPh MoNsTeR!

I had difficulties on the arms and how to get them look right. I had difficulty on the project but i think I did ok.... ):

Sunday, September 25, 2011

10 by 3!

I chose this picture because one it is my favorite movie and two because it has many colors. This movie, picture, is very colorful and when you watch or look at the movie/ picture you feel happy. I love this movie and I love all the colors, characters, songs, and the story! (:

10 by 3!

This verse says "Trust thy is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
-Psalm 119- 105
I like how the picture goes with the verse and I like the colors with the lamp, and the fall feel with the picture. This is a moving verse yet even if the verse wasn't there would be a relaxing, even beautiful picture.

10 by 3!

I chose this picture because one it is the Tennessee state flower, two it is my Nana's favorite flower and colors. I love the bold purple and yellow. I like the uniqueness of this flower, how it isn't a usual shaped flower how this hangs and basically stands. It is very different and beautiful!(:

10 by 3!

I chose this picture of Times Square in New York because my papaw actually bought this puzzle at Barnes and Noble it looked awesome when finished. I have always wanted to go to New York and this picture describes New York! New York is like no other state and I want to visit it soon. I love all the signs and bright colors!(:

10 by 3!

This is at Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, one of the most peaceful most beautiful places I think I have ever been. The old dirt road surrounded by nature is exactly what this picture is and exactly what it is in Tennessee. (this is what most people think Tennessee is like, this is the nature part!(:) You can see many creatures at Cades Cove like bears, deer, turkeys and I have. It's just a thing everyone in Tennessee has or needs to see. (:

10 by 3!

I chose this picture because I think it is relaxing and I love the colors! The bright red, yellows, orange, and greens are beautiful. I think that if i was just the road with the trees it would be boring, but with the bright and vibrant colors on the trees and the on the leaves on the road make this simple picture beautiful. (:

10 by 3!

I chose this picture because I love to listen to Kyle Park's music! With liking his music, I also like this picture. I like this picture because with him being a country singer, I think the color of the picture is great. I also like this picture with the different texts on the picture. His name text being soft and the title/ song harder.

10 by 3!

I like and chose this picture because I like the bold colors. The colors go together well to me. I also like the movement in the picture. The breaking in the first three crayons and none at all in the last it makes the picture unbalanced in a way but also somewhat balanced.

10 by 3!

Ok, your probably wondering why the build- a- bear cow?? The build- a- bear is there because of my MOO MOO! I have had a cow like this since I was four and yes the name is MOO MOO. MOO MOO goes everywhere I go. Every tournament for soccer to Tennessee, anywhere. MOO MOO is my favorite stuffed animal and I LOVE my build- a- bear cow.(: < 3
I also like the picture for its cuteness and playful and kid reminding ways. I think the light pink goes well with the black and white on the cow.

10 by 3!

I chose this picture because I have always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. I have always wanted to go because of its uniqueness and I have always wanted to visit Paris because of the Eiffel Tower. Lots of my friends have been to see the Eiffel Tower and they say that its really cool and that just makes me want to see it more! (:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

aLl AbOuT mE! (:

My name is Steele Rayne Fancher, and I am from east Tennessee in a town near Knoxville, Tennessee. I have a younger 2 year old sister named Sully, and I have a step- brother who lives in Tennessee, Colin. I moved to Texas when I was ten, in 6th grade. I turn 14 September 29th! I play basketball and soccer and I love hanging out with my friends..